Where OSHA The United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration is WRONG about Good Working Positions

The United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Good Working Positions (40) “Hands, wrists, and forearms are straight, in-line and roughly parallel to the floor. Head is level, or bent slightly forward, forward facing, and balanced. Generally, it is in-line with the torso. Shoulders are relaxed and upper arms hang normally […]

What is the #1 Cause of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?

What do some of the top teaching hospitals in the world, that specialize in diagnosis and treatment of TOS, say is the cause of thoracic outlet syndrome? Baylor Heart and Vascular Hospital—The slim space between the collarbone and first rib is called the thoracic outlet. Blood vessels, nerves, and muscles that extend from the back […]

The Human Spring Approach to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is now available in paperback and eBook in these 13 countries

Dr Stoxen’s #1 best seller The Human Spring Approach to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. The book is available on Amazon.com in these 13 counties US UK DE FR ES IT NL JP BR CA MX AU IN on Kindle. The book is available on Amazon.com in these 7 counties US UK DE FR ES IT JP in paperback. On October 23rd 2018, Masters Academy Publishing inc released Dr Stoxens book, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Shoulder Pain… Could it Be Thoracic Outlet […]

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