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My Top 10 Tips Rules Of Sitting To Reduce The Risk Of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

I made a list of the top 10 tips you can follow to avoid the activities that increase the risk of thoracic outlet syndrome.

This will help you get your game plan together to eliminate these activities of daily living that put you at risk, cause or perpetuate the stress related to thoracic outlet syndrome.

Standing Posture, Sitting Posture, and Sustained Contraction

The neck is the most complex musculoskeletal system in the body. The neck (cervical spine) has 37 joints and seven discs, which are described in the human spring model as compression springs.

The scalene muscles and other muscles have control and provide the ultimate balance of the head on top of the spine, allowing you to rest perpendicular to Earth’s gravity every second of the day you are upright.

The key to maintaining perfect balance of equilibrium in the neck, upper back, and shoulder muscles is to have your base of support (buttocks), center of gravity, and head perpendicular to gravity. This should also maintain your eyes level with the horizon.

The muscle spindles in the neck and the six living spring or bubble levels (vestibular system) are sending messages to the reflex centers of your brain every second. Whenever your body leans to one side, the vestibular system senses the tilt of the head, and the muscle spindle cells sense the strain on the neck.

Within a nanosecond, the brain triggers a reflex muscle contraction of the neck muscles on the opposite side to right the head to the perpendicular position. This is the righting reflex we discussed in Chapter 4.

The key is to make sure your body is living in harmony with gravity!
Sitting Rules

  1. Your body parts should either be perpendicular or horizontal to gravity, and joints should be at 90-degree angles.
  2. Stack and Relax – Stack your head, torso and hips directly on top of each other, take a deep breath and relax.
  3. Rest your arms on the armrest to lift your shoulders off your chest.
  4. Keep your feet on the floor or on a footrest, if they don’t reach the floor.
  5. Make sure the chair seat has an even platform.
  6. Do not cross your legs at the knees or the ankles.
  7. Get up and walk around every 25 minutes.
  8. Distribute your body weight evenly on both hips.
  9. Give your recliner to someone you hate.
  10. Never touch your back to the back of the chair.

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