If you have headaches, neck pain, neck stiffness, back spasms, muscle pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and pain between the shoulder blades, numbness and tingling, you may have thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). TOS is caused by compression of the neck, upper back, rib cage and the shoulder that squeeze the blood vessels and nerves that […]
Most doctors want to know two things. 1. Do you have signs of compression of the nerves or blood vessels in the thoracic outlet? 2. What structures in the bundle are compressed—the artery, vein, nerves, or all the above? In response, investigators have categorized thoracic outlet syndrome as vascular versus neurogenic. Does that mean the […]
When you lean your body to the left the righting reflex contracts the scalene muscles on the right automatically to hold your 9-12 pound head in this position. If the weight is leaning to one side you use your 9-12 pound head to counterbalance the weight leaning to the opposite side. If you sit in […]