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Car Auto Accidents And Some Work Injuries Can Cause A Traumatic Shift In The Upper Ribs, And Collar Bone (Clavicle) Leading To A Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

When you are involved in an auto accident, there is a traumatic shift of the neck, upper back, shoulder, rib cage, and even jaw. You can suffer chronic pain for a lifetime. Most sports, work, and auto injuries involve a similar injury cycle. There is a period of pain, stiffness (compression), and sometimes compressed nerves, leading to a diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome.

What people don’t understand is that even the most severe injuries heal. Why is it that severe ankle sprains that involve torn ligaments, torn tissues that bleed inside, causing 1–3 inches of swelling, heal more than auto accident and impact injuries?

If you had an auto accident, sports injury, or work accident, and you got every form of recommended therapy, yet you are still experiencing signs of thoracic outlet syndrome, then you need to read Chapter 10, “What Treatment Doesn’t Work and Why?” You will probably see your doctor’s approach listed in that chapter.

So, when we revisit the other possible causes of thoracic outlet syndrome, you must have a new perspective on why you are not improving. After a work injury, car accident, or sports injury, as long as there are no constant triggers of these muscle super contractions, you should heal just like any other injury.

Sometimes unethical personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys send patients to what I call, “Medical Bill Mills” to get a diagnosis and some worthless treatment that produces a bill they can submit for payment from the insurance company to get you money for your pain and suffering. It’s interesting how patients who do not improve and are left in a chronic state of suffering have higher financial settlements than those who get healthy after treatment from an auto accident or work injury.

Sometimes, you have to wonder what the motive is of the attorneys when they send you to a doctor who really doesn’t do much for you to improve your condition. I would recommend that you fire the doctor and the attorney and find somebody who can help you. The settlement is usually about the same, but you’re not.

You are locked in a lifetime of chronic pain, if the treatment is done right. Find a doctor that will treat you according to what I recommend in this book or call me and I will personally help you myself.

For those of you who feel you have been misguided into treatment that did not provide maximum medical improvement, there is still hope for you.

Please call my office, and let’s talk this over.
(773) 735-5200

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