Neck Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Could it be Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
by Dr James Stoxen DC., FSSEMM (hon)

Introduction—Could It Be . . . Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?


Chapter 1, “What Is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?”

Chapter I reveals that TOS is caused by compression of the outlet or tunnel where the blood vessels and nerves pass from the neck or the thorax to the arm. What is causing the compression?

If you and your doctor know the cause of the compression and know how to reverse it, you can end your suffering. Understanding this concept prevents surgery in just about every patient with TOS.

To understand this, you need to have extensive knowledge of three things:

  1. Thoracic outlet anatomy
  2. Which muscles keep the thoracic outlet and tunnel open and which close it down
  3. How tension is controlled in those muscles

In this chapter, I discuss exactly what thoracic outlet syndrome is and provide an extensive review of the thoracic outlet anatomy.

Included in this chapter are custom illustrations of a normal thoracic outlet and the abnormally compressed thoracic outlet. After looking at these illustrations, I guarantee you are going to better understand thoracic outlet syndrome and the other conditions associated with this area of the body.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Visualize the thoracic outlet anatomy through custom illustrations
  2. Find out what important nerves and blood vessels pass through the tunnel
  3. Find out the 3 areas of the thoracic outlet/tunnel that can be compressed
  4. Learn what raises the floor up into the thoracic outlet/tunnel
  5. Learn what pulls the roof down into the thoracic outlet/tunnel
  6. Learn the 4 types of TOS and why they really aren’t that important to know
  7. Find out what are the most common symptoms of TOS
  8. Find out why so many people with TOS get misdiagnosed

Chapter 2, “A Painful Misunderstanding of Human Engineering,”

In chapter 2 I present the 340-year-old model of human engineering that doctors and other healers base their approach to examining and treating you Then I present a model of human movement proposed by Havard University scientists that better explains how the body absorbs impacs and recycles energy. Then I present an advancement of the model proposed by Harvard University scientists I nicknamed the human spring model.

The Human Spring Model not only explains how the body absorbs impacts, recycles energy and opens spaces for joints it also eloquently explains how the human spring engineering provides a safe passage for blood vessels and nerves through the thoracic outlet or thoracic tunnel.

I present logical, easy-to-understand arguments why my model of biomechanics is the only model that explains how human bodies perform these important functions.

  1. How does the body absorb collisions with Earth during walking and running? A spring off the ground better protects the joints from painful arthritic conditions than a bang and a twist with a rigid lever.
  2. How does the body recycle energy to prevent chronic fatigue? A spring off the ground with elastic elements can recycle more energy than a bang and a twist with a rigid lever.
  3. How does the body open spaces for joints, such as the ankles, the knees, and the hips? A spring can open spaces for knees where the body cannot open spaces with a lever mechanism.
  4. How does the body open spaces and tunnels for the safe passage of blood vessels and nerves?

Springs and spring-suspension engineering can suspend the shoulder over the thoracic outlet and tunnel. It’s impossible to open a tunnel between the shoulder and the chest to let blood vessels and nerves pass safely into the arm with human levers.

You will learn that this lever-series model cannot explain these important functions the body must do and, in fact, it does not even abide by the laws of nature and physics. I will present scientific fact that proves the human body uses spring engineering to complete these four tasks.

When I’m done, you will agree that my human spring model is more logical and it must replace the old, outdated, and wrong lever-series model. Don’t worry, doctors around the world agree with me, so there should not be any arguments about this.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn the three biomechanical models of human motion
  2. Learn why the Human Spring model is the most advanced
  3. Find out the 340 year old painful misunderstanding of human engineering

Chapter 3, “Human Spring Engineering,”

Chapter 3 explains thoroughly, in simple terms, how looking at the human body as a spring is a more comprehensive and logical model for understanding how the body works according to the laws of physics and nature.

Looking at the human body modeled as a spring allows you to fill the gap of what is misunderstood about the human body. It gives you an approach that is well-researched, sound in principle, and, best of all, delivers optimum results.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn about human spring engineering
  2. Learn the spring engineering that maintains an open thoracic outlet/tunnel
  3. Learn the human spring approach to examining patients
  4. Learn the 7 floors of your human spring and what the mass is
  5. Learn about The Human Spring Approach to exam and treatment
  6. Learn what is human spring stiffness and spring compliance
  7. Learn about what normal spring stiffness is
  8. Learn what abnormal spring stiffness is

Chapter 4, “The Control of Tension on Your Human Spring,”

In chapter 4, I discuss how we can make changes in the tension of our body’s spring as a part of everyday life. When you step off a curb, you know exactly the amount of tension to have a safe landing.

Gymnasts know exactly how much tension to have on their bodies for a safe landing. Jogging is different from sprinting, only by the level of tension in the lower body spring.

This change in tension is considered normal and essential to live in harmony with Earth’s gravity. How does this apply to your thoracic outlet syndrome?

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. þ Find out what controls the tension on the human spring
  2. þ Learn about the righting reflex and how it can increase tension on your outlet

Chapter 5, “The Cause of Compression!”

Chapter 5 discusses the difficulties that doctors have in diagnosing causes of TOS.

The Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, plus top-10 ranked hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery tell us that compression is what leads to thoracic outlet syndrome.

However, this spring tension can get out of your control. This happens when reflexes in the brain take over and dominate the tension, putting you in an abnormally compressed state of pain and suffering.

Therefore, how this tension is controlled by reflexes is extremely important for the understanding of the cause of thoracic outlet syndrome, herniated discs, headaches, and many other painful conditions caused by compression.

This was the “aha” moment that determined what was getting in the way of the healing process. Understanding that tension creates drag on the energy-saving spring system is what explains the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome.

So, if doctors and other healers don’t know how these important parts of the body are engineered and how the tension is controlled that causes the compression then how could they possibly reduce the compression on the outlet and tunnel back to normal?

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn what all major teaching hospitals say is the cause of compression
  2. Learn the most common causes of compression of your thoracic outlet
  3. Find out what can cause compression of your thoracic outlet
  4. Find out how abnormal spring tension can cause jammed joints and arthritis
  5. Learn the 4 muscles that lift the first rib up (tunnel floor) narrowing the thoracic outlet
  6. Learn the 6 muscles that pull the shoulder down (the tunnel roof) narrowing the thoracic outlet/tunnel

Chapter 6, “Break These Laws . . . Get Sentenced to a Lifetime of Suffering”

Chapter 6 lists the most common activities of daily life that violate the laws of physics and nature to put you in disharmony with Earth’s gravity, leading to the cause of compression. When your movements and posture are not in harmony with gravity, your nervous system will react and twist you into a chronic state of suffering.

In this chapter, I present simple rules you must follow in your everyday life to abide by the laws of nature and physics, so your nervous system can remain in harmony with the pull of Earth’s gravity.

Here I educate you on the best sleeping posture, sitting posture, multitasking, and computer use, such as use of the mouse, keyboard, monitor position, and visual stressors. I review the dangers of overuse of your mobile phone, smartphone, remote controls, and other handheld devices. I also review occupational injuries and an instantaneous overloading strain caused by auto accidents and personal injuries.

If you follow these rules and remove these activities that cause a reaction of your nervous system to compress your human spring, a lot of your suffering will be reduced, even without treatment.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

Chapter 7, “How Do They Diagnose It?”

Chapter 7 discusses why it is that so many conservative, nonsurgical treatments fail thoracic outlet syndrome sufferers and all other conditions and disorders caused by compression of your body.

Most important, your road to recovery starts with the doctor’s examination.

Your doctor illogically uses examinations with lever movements to determine why your body’ spring system is compressed. It’s illogical!

In this chapter, I review the only way to determine if your thoracic outlet is compressed and what is compressing it. This requires doctors to touch you all over. Most don’t even touch you where it hurts! Don’t you hate that? When they don’t touch you where it hurts, you begin to become skeptical of their medical opinions, don’t you? I did! Maybe that is why you need to read this book.

I will teach you how you should be examined. I will review the key orthopedic tests and examinations that will uncover the cause of your thoracic outlet compression and your other pain and suffering.

Most important, I will teach you the way to examine yourself. Then you can fire your doctor and treat yourself with the self-treatment I provide in Chapter 13, “What Works and Why.”

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn the only two postures that reduce stress on your neck and back
  2. Get lessons on what postures make TOS worse
  3. Find out what postures will make it almost impossible to reverse TOS
  4. Learn how to determine which pillow is best for you
  5. Learn the best way to sit, sleep and stand to avoid strain of the thoracic outlet

Chapter 8, “More Tests?”

Chapter 8 reviews why most patients think that diagnostic tests might be able to spot thoracic outlet syndrome or a herniated disc.

You’ll understand after reading this book that if doctors tell you they can diagnose thoracic outlet syndrome or most musculoskeletal conditions with a single test, such as an MRI, they are not being truthful.

In fact, the findings on your MRI, that you eagerly await, oftentimes lead your doctor to a wrong diagnosis. This will delay your recovery. What is worse is that it could lead you into unnecessary surgery. Getting cut open to have metal plates screwed into your neck, when you never needed it, will leave you in pain from the surgery, and you will still have same symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome.

In 2016, I gave a presentation “The Earliest Detection, Intervention and Prevention of Compression Syndromes, TOS, Herniated Discs and Degenerative Joint Disease” at the World Congress of Anti-Aging and Longevity, Mexico City, Mexico.

Did I talk about the latest diagnostic tests? Yes! Here is the scientific study that confused the doctors in the audience.

I presented three individual studies, conducted by Japanese researchers who performed MRI scans on volunteers who were completely pain free. The volunteers had never had pain in their necks or backs in their life.

The researchers found that more than 30 percent of the volunteers had herniated disks that they did not know they had.

Doctors know that with an MRI scan, they have a greater than 30 percent chance of finding a herniated disc. If you had this herniated disc before you had the onset of thoracic outlet syndrome or pinched nerve symptoms, this is not the cause of your pain. But they will probably tell you it is. Are they trying to trick you or do they just not know?

For more than 30 percent of you, the MRI will reveal a herniated disc you had before the onset of pain. That finding of a herniated disc will confuse even a well-meaning doctor. The difference is that now you are face to face with a neurosurgeon.

Again, this huge misunderstanding of the results of MRI scans and other diagnostic tests, can lead to a misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and a lifetime of suffering you don’t need. Because you don’t know fully understand these tests, a doctor can tell you anything and you believe him.

That ends right here and right now.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn when to suspect your doctor doesn’t know the mechanics of the outlet/tunnel
  2. Learn the legitimate reasons for diagnostic tests
  3. Find out what diagnostic tests help doctors diagnose TOS
  4. Learn why there is no diagnostic test that can determine the cause of your TOS
  5. Find out why doctors who order MRI the first visit may be setting you up for surgery
  6. Find out what test findings on MRI scans could lead to misdiagnosis
  7. Find out what test findings on MRI scans could lead to surgery you don’t need

Chapter 9, “Is It TOS, This, That, or All the Above?”

Chapter 9 teaches you that patients with thoracic outlet syndrome are the most misdiagnosed, mismanaged, misinformed, and mistreated patients today.

Treatments fail when the treatment is applied to the wrong diagnosis. It is possible that failed attempts at conservative management are related to the wrong diagnosis or in incomplete diagnosis. Keeping it simple, the patient is simply misdiagnosed.

What is even more challenging for you is that the majority of physicians who get the diagnosis right get the cause wrong.

Because they don’t treat the cause, even with the right diagnosis the treatment approach is destined to fail.

Many time-strapped doctors today, in all branches of medicine, typically spend 10 to 15 minutes or less with each patient—not because they don’t care, but because there are simply not enough hours in the day to meet the demands for an in-depth examination.

How are doctors supposed to be able to differentiate if you have thoracic outlet syndrome or 30 other conditions that mimic thoracic outlet syndrome? If it’s their area of expertise, it takes an hour to really do a thorough examination.

Here is a list of the 30 different conditions that mimic thoracic outlet syndrome.

  1. Herniated disc, bulged disc, slipped disc, sixth nerve root
  2. Herniated disc, bulged disc, slipped disc, seventh nerve root
  3. Herniated disc, bulged disc, slipped disc, T1 nerve root
  4. Cervical radiculopathy, brachial plexus injury, or brachial neuritis
  5. Cervical spondylosis
  6. Neck trauma
  7. Thoracic disc injuries
  8. Clavicle injuries—acromioclavicular joint injury
  9. Clavicle fracture malunion
  10. Inflammatory conditions of the shoulder (tendonitis arthritis)
  11. Shoulder impingement syndrome
  12. Rotator cuff inflammation
  13. Intercostal neuritis (pinched nerve between the ribs)
  14. Cubital tunnel compression
  15. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  16. Guyon’s canal
  17. Median nerve entrapment
  18. Double crush
  19. Triple crush
  20. Quadruple crush
  21. Vascular diseases (atherosclerosis)
  22. Paget-Schroetter syndrome or effort thrombosis
  23. Pancoast’s tumor
  24. Spinal cord tumor or neoplasm
  25. Complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy)
  26. Degenerative spinal cord disease—MS
  27. Degenerative spinal cord disease—syringomyelia
  28. Raynaud’s phenomenon
  29. Cervical ribs and fibrous bands
  30. Myofascial pain syndrome

All these conditions mimic the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome. So, if you only got that 10–15-minute history and examination, and then the doctor made a diagnosis, or if the treatment approach the doctor is using isn’t getting you the results you expected, you might be misdiagnosed.

Also, what really confuses doctors and patients is that you could be under diagnosed. What that means is that you were diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, but in reality you have carpal tunnel syndrome, median nerve entrapment, rotator cuff tear, and a thoracic outlet syndrome at the same time.

If it’s not the doctors’ area of expertise, and they don’t know what goes into a thorough exam, you’ll probably get 10 minutes of chitchat. If you don’t know some basic anatomy (for example, how the thoracic outlet is engineered, how you should be examined), then a doctor could simply skim over the exam, never touching the area that hurts, and instead order an MRI scan and a referral to a neurosurgeon.

Do you wish there was a way to fact check your doctor’s diagnosis?

Well, in this chapter, we will review each of the 30 different diagnoses that could be considered with your array of symptoms and give you tips on how you can differentiate between each of them and thoracic outlet syndrome.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Find out what 30 other conditions that mimic thoracic outlet syndrome
  2. Learn how to back check your doctors diagnosis so you don’t get misdiagnosed
  3. Lean what other conditions could overlap TOS and confuse you and your doctor

Chapter 10, “What Treatment Doesn’t Work and Why?”

In this chapter Dr. Stoxen reveals my the exhaustive research of more than 2,500 studies in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health database. This is the complete list of treatment procedures and approaches studied for the treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome. I can almost guarantee the treatment approach used by your doctor is on this list.

  1. Medication: analgesic drug therapy, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, others
  2. Scalene injection (bupivacaine)
  3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
  4. Painkillers for symptom reduction
  5. Scalene injection (Botox)
  6. Gentle stretching of the scalenes and pectoralis minor
  7. Traction
  8. Ner ve gliding
  9. Ultrasound and muscle stimulation
  10. Different bra for breast hypertrophy
  11. Breast reduction—reduction mammoplasty
  12. Ergonomic corrections
  13. Correction of the ergonomics of the workstation
  14. First rib adjustments, alone
  15. General massage
  16. Exercise strengthening

Which one do you think, by itself, removes the compression on the outlet?

None of them!

Now do you wonder why you’re not getting better?

I will provide simple and logical explanations of why these 16 treatment approaches, individually, cannot reverse the cause of your thoracic outlet syndrome.

If treatment and training approaches are not compatible with true engineering of the body and are contrary to the laws of physics, that means they are destined to fail. And you know what? Time and time again, they do fail.

Much of the current, standard-of-care treatments, including adjustments, mobilizations, stretching, rehab exercises, injections, medications, and surgeries are destined to fail to achieve true maximum medical improvement, because the removal of the tension on your human spring is not addressed.

Vertebral discs and the thoracic outlet and tunnel are engineered with spring mechanics. Doctors cannot reverse the compression on your body’s spring mechanism with treatment approaches that are only effective on lever mechanisms.

What is logical about a doctor not knowing the engineering of a machine he is paid to fix?

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Find out why the natural treatment is always better than Botox for TOS
  2. Find out why the compression Botox reduces should return back when it wears off
  3. Find out why Botox for TOS can make you much worse long term
  4. Find out why Botox can force you into a much longer rehab than you want
  5. Find out why you don’t want to get conservative care from a hospital that does a lot of TOS surgeries.
  6. Find out why surgeons wont have the best advise to help you reverse your TOS without surgery

Chapter 11, “When in Doubt, Cut It Out?”

In this chapter I will provide additional information about why doctors want to perform surgery for relief of TOS. After enough attempts, of treatments that are designed to treat lever mechanisms, fail to decompress your spring mechanism, you elect to try thoracic outlet syndrome surgery. You tried everything, so, when in doubt, cut it all out, right?

Don’t forget, doctors are magicians. They can cut the pain right out of your body. You can’t think this way!

Because the doctors could not find a conservative approach to relaxing tight scalenes, they cut them out. Because the tight scalenes are causing a raised first rib, compressing the blood vessels and nerves between the first and second rib, they cut your rib out too.

So, do you really still think doctors do surgery because they tried every logical, conservative approach? You would think there is a more logical way to stop the spasms of the muscles and to adjust the ribs down out of the outlet and tunnel rather than cutting them out, right?

Should surgery be a last resort? After reading this book, you will agree that surgery for a compressive disorder, like TOS and herniated discs, are more like a painful misunderstanding of human engineering, than a last resort.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn the possible consequences of TOS if left untreated
  2. Learn the 10 reasons why doctors and patients may consider surgery for TOS
  3. Learn when it is time for TOS surgery and when its time to get a second opinion
  4. Learn the 3 main types of surgery to decompress the thoracic outlet
  5. Learn about the transaxillary approach to TOS surgery
  6. Learn the Supraclavicular approach to TOS Surgery
  7. Learn which approach to surgery is better for your TOS type
  8. Learn why you never want to remove cervical ribs without talking to me
  9. Why you never get surgery for neurologic TOS without my second opinion
  10. Learn why scalenectomy and first rib resection cannot completely decompress TOS
  11. Learn about the pectoralis minor tenectomy and why it cannot fully decompress TOS
  12. Find out why all TOS surgeries cannot completely decompress the thoracic outlet
  13. Learn why rib and scalene removal may still leave your thoracic outlet compressed
  14. Find out if surgery is necessary if you have a blood clot in your subclavian vein
  15. Learn the possible complications of TOS surgery
  16. Learn what the rating system doctors use to determine results of TOS surgery
  17. Learn how doctors determine the success rate of TOS surgery
  18. Find out why all the patients could still be in pain with a 90% surgery success rate
  19. Why you never want to get TOS surgery at a teaching hospital
  20. Learn why you never want to take opiates for TOS pain or after TOS surgery
  21. Learn how quickly you can become addicted to opiates after TOS surgery

Chapter 12, “Paget-Schroetter Syndrome?”

This chapter answers the question, “Is thoracic outlet syndrome dangerous?” If you make mistakes in your game plan to reverse this complex disorder or wait too long, you could be in some real danger.

A blood clot could form in the area of the narrowed vein. If this clot dislodges, it can flow into your lung, causing lung tissue to die, and you end up with difficulty breathing or even death. This is called Paget-Schroetter syndrome.

I review Paget-Schroetter syndrome in-depth, and I commissioned a beautiful illustration that explains Paget-Schroetter syndrome for you perfectly so you “get it.”

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn about Paget-Schroetters syndrome and what causes it
  2. Learn about why Paget-Schroetters syndrome is so serious
  3. Find out if surgery is medically necessary for Paget-Schroetters syndrome

Chapter 13, “What Works and Why?”

This chapter reveals the ONLY two forms of treatments than can effectively reduce the compression that causes thoracic outlet syndrome.

Here I outline the effective treatment for reducing the compression that causes thoracic outlet syndrome. I had a photographer take pictures of a model demonstrating these self-massage and stretching methods that will begin to ease your symptoms and get you on the road to relief.

I also list the most powerful therapy that doctors should be using to quickly reduce inflammation, pain, and the tense muscles that are compressing your thoracic outlet and twisting your frame into a chronic state of suffering.

The reason most doctors aren’t using it is because they can’t get paid by the insurance companies for the treatment. Most doctors don’t do therapies unless they can make a buck.

What is great is that you don’t need to be a doctor to use it, so you can buy it and use it yourself to help you get better without the doctor’s help.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Find out what treatments wont work for TOS and why
  2. Find out why the Human Spring Approach is the best approach for TOS
  3. Learn self-help approaches to decompressing your thoracic outlet
  4. Find out what muscles must be treated to reverse TOS
  5. Get all the Human Spring muscle release self help pressure points and stretches
  6. Learn about what muscles lift the floor into the outlet
  7. Learn what muscles pull the roof down into the outlet
  8. Find out the best treatment to relax muscle tension that is causing the compression
  9. Find out what stretches will make your TOS worse and why
  10. Find out about the most effective therapy TOS that you can use in your home
  11. Learn why most doctors and therapists wont use this effective therapy to help you
  12. Find out why lymphatic drainage treatments are imperative in treating TOS
    Learn how many hours it will take to decompress your outlet with HSA treatment
  13. Learn when your thoracic outlet is completely released of tension
  14. Find out when you can do it yourself and when you need professional help
  15. Find out why you should never crack your own neck
  16. Show your doctor or therapist photos of Dr Stoxen’s secret hands on treatments
    Learn why it’s absolutely imperative to get a first rib adjustment for TOS
  17. Find out how to assemble the most effective team of professionals to help you permanently reverse your thoracic outlet syndrome

Chapter 14, “Spring Training!”

tells you my personal story. Several years ago, my friend and I were in a really bad car accident. The 70-mile-per hour impact into a concrete median totaled her car and caused significant injuries. The accident caused her spinal trauma, an upper back injury, a disc bulge, thoracic outlet syndrome, and the symptoms of mild concussion.

After the accident, I had no pain whatsoever. What?

I had been doing the spring strengthening training listed in Chapter 14 and also barefoot running. So, the reason I did not get hurt was because my “spring training” approach to strengthening the human spring to resist these incredible forces of impact, so it not only rehabilitates, it also protects, therefore, it prevents.

I hired one of the top photographers from Muscle & Fitness and Shape magazines, Bill Dobbins, to shoot color photos of top fitness models, Rachel Moore and Sherry Goggin, demonstrating these exercises and stretches.

I also hired Chicago photographer Stan Magoni to photograph model Gabija Guzauskaite performing the 10 recommended stretches and the exercises we use to open up strengthen the thoracic outlet area of our TOS patients. These photos were taken at the River North Crossfit and at Team Doctors® Rehabilitation and Training Center in Chicago.

There are 30 stretches and exercises for thoracic outlet syndrome designed to widen and strengthen the muscles of your thoracic outlet. These exercises will also help you prevent injuries to your neck in car accidents, work injuries, and sports injuries.

The increased blood flow and strengthening of the muscles of the back, chest, neck, and shoulders greatly improve your posture and help you fight the fatigue from sitting for long sessions at the computer.

Also, I will teach you which thoracic outlet syndrome stretches will make you worse.

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Learn when it is safe to do active rehabilitation exercises
  2. Lean how to improve resting muscle tone
  3. Learn the human spring training method of exercise
  4. Learn what exercises are ideal for opening the thoracic outlet and tunnel
  5. Learn how the wrong exercises can actually close down the thoracic outlet and tunnel
  6. Find out when it is safe to return to your regular fitness or sport

Chapter 15, “Conclusion”

explains how the odds are against you recovering from thoracic outlet syndrome but with what you learned in this book and my help you will get through this!

This book is about the earliest detection, intervention, and prevention of thoracic outlet syndrome. However, it’s more than just about this condition. In this book, you will learn an entirely new model and approach that helps you understand the mysteries to why the body breaks down, doesn’t heal, and degenerates into a chronic state of suffering.

It also provides many secrets to restoring human performance and preserving the health of the human body. You will learn new ways of thinking about lifestyle choices, exercise, and how your doctors examine and treat you. And it all makes sense, because it follows principles of nature and engineering that are easy to understand.

I strongly feel that the current standard of care must be replaced by examination, treatment, and prevention protocols that are based on the way the universe works. After reading this book, you will realize that the only model of human movement that abides by these laws is the human spring model.

I’m positive you will agree that evaluating and treating you as a human spring is the only way doctors achieve the predictable positive outcomes like we see every day using this model and approach.

I guarantee you that after you read this book you will not allow your doctor to examine and treat you the same way ever again!

This is what you will learn from this chapter.

  1. Find out why its extremely difficult to reverse a severe TOS without professional help
  2. Find out why most professionals cant or don’t want to do the treatment necessary to reverse your TOS